

Is paramecium a common protozoan that moves by cilia?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is paramecium a common protozoan that moves by cilia?
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Protozoan that moves by means of cilia?

the answer is ciliates this is protozoa that move using cilia, such as a paramecium. hope this helped, the science dude

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A paramecium moves wit short hair-like extensions what are they called?

they are called cilia.

What does Paramecium move with?

A paramecium moves with hair-like things on its body called cilia.

What is the difference between Amoeba and Paramecium?

paramecium- move with cilia amoeba- move by creeping along with their pseudopod's also, paramecium are larger.

How does a paramecium move?

A paramecium moves using tiny hair-like structures called cilia. These push against the surrounding material to create motion.

Why does paramecium's body spirals as it moves through the water?

A paramecium is covered along its entire body by protoplasmic cilia, which beat in a specific rhythm. This spiraling motion allows the paramecium to gather food in its path.

How does the parmecium move?

by use of cilia- hairlike projections fromt he cell membrane

How does bursaria truncatella move?

Bursaria Truncatella are protozoan, which means it moves using it's cilia. Cilia is a short hair like stucture on a cell which helps it move.

How does a bursaria truncatella move?

Bursaria Truncatella are protozoan, which means it moves using it's cilia. Cilia is a short hair like stucture on a cell which helps it move.

Which of the following best describes the shape of a Paramecium?

i think it would be bilateral

What is the scientific name of the paramecium?

There are many different scientific names for paramecium's one of which is Paramecium pentaurelia. This paramecium, like many others has a shoe-like shape and moves by waving it's cilia(tiny oar-like hairs).