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its an element, so yes, any thing that's not manufactured by man is natural, therefore found in nature. It is not, however, found unless forced by man; so for most practical purposes it is not found in nature.

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12y ago

Plutonium 244 - it's most stable isotope - is found in trace amounts in nature. It is the heaviest element that can be naturally formed in nature (in a supernova explosion), but is never found in more than trace amounts. Virtually all plutonium used by man is man-made.

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Is plutonium easy to find?

In the nature uranium is found associated with uranium ores but in extremely ultratraces. Plutonium is obtained in industrial quantities, by nuclear reactions, in nuclear reactors.

Were is plutonium found?

An insignificant amount of plutonium exists in nature. Mostly, plutonium is obtained from nuclear reactions caused by humans.

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no the reason why is what i told you if plutonium exist 1 the periodic table and 2it is man made

Where is plutonium found in nature?

Natural isotopes of plutonium exist only in traces in uranium ores.

What element is radioactive and synthetic plutonium xenon barium or cesium?

Plutonium is a radioactive chemical element; practically all plutonium is man made - in the nature plutonium is extremely rare.

How does plutonium occur in nature?

- Natural plutonium (plutonium isotopes 238, 239, 240, 244) exist in nature as extremely traces associated with uranium ores- Artificial isotopes of plutonium (the most important being Pu-239) have the origin in nuclear weapons tests

Is Pitchblende an ore of plutonium?

No. Pitchblende is an ore of Uranium. It's been a long time since plutonium occured in nature.

Is plutonium found free or is it chemically combined in nature?

Plutonium exist in extremely low concentrations in uranium minerals; the chemical form is probably plutonium dioxide or a complex oxide with uranium.

What would happen if Pluto was made of plutonium?

Plutonium doesn't occur in nature as far as we know, but if Pluto were made of solid Plutonium, nothing would happen. Pluto is not near anything that might be affected.

Where plutonium foun d?

Plutonium is found in the nature only as ultra-traces accompanying uranium minerals. Plutonium is obtained in industrial quantities in the nuclear reactors technology, by reprocessing of the burned nuclear fuels.

Does plutonium exist alone in a natural state?

No, plutonium occurs only in trace amounts in nature, and it's too reactive to occur as a pure metal.

Where can you find plutonium?

My house ftw =)