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Q: Is polyunsaturated fat control your blood cholesterol levels?
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Does blood donation affect cholesterol levels?

No, since platelets don't have anything to do with regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol levels are related to lipoproteins, not platelets

Does blood platelet donation affect cholesterol levels?

No, since platelets don't have anything to do with regulation of cholesterol levels in the blood. Cholesterol levels are related to lipoproteins, not platelets

What factors influence Ldl Hdl and total blood cholesterol?

1. Saturated fats increase blood cholesterol levels. 2. Mono-unsaturated and polyunsaturated fats may help to reduce blood cholesterol levels and to improve the balance between LDLs (low-density lipoproteins) and HDLs (high-density lipoproteins).

Why are blood cholesterol levels higher in people with blood group A and AB?

Blood Cholesterol levels are dependent on many factors of which antigen 'a' is one. Antigen 'a' is present only in blood groups A and AB. Hence, blood cholesterol levels are higher in individuals with blood groups A and AB.

What would be the least effective method to control blood cholesterol levels?

Eating lard and other animal fats.

What are 5 benefits of a walking regimen?

~Control of your weight, Cholesterol levels, Blood sugar, Reliefs stress and anciety!

What is Canola oil Is it available in India?

Canola oil is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which have been shown to reduce blood cholesterol levels, and has moderate levels of essential polyunsaturated fatty acids. Yes.....Canola oil is easily available in India ........

What is found in animal products and can elevate blood cholesterol levels?


Does codeliver oil raise cholesterol?

The average amount of dietary cholesterol is not linked to levels of cholesterol in the blood. Blood cholesterol is more closely related to the amount of saturated fat in the diet - saturated fat raises blood cholesterol.The polyunsaturated fats, like those found naturally in Cod Liver Oil, have typically not been shown to raise blood cholesterol. However these long chain omega 3 polyunsaturates (EPA & DHA), which are found in these oils, do not usually reduce total cholesterol levels, specifically LDL (bad) cholesterol.On the other hand scientific research has shown that long chain omega 3 polyunsaturates (EPA & DHA) can help increase HDL "good" cholesterol levels in moderate amounts.

How does the body control cholesterol levels?

it is controlled by the brain which tells the liver to create good cholesterol in the body. however when bad cholesterol gets inside the body it clogs up the blood vessels leading to high blood pressure and the body can not remove it.