

Is post traumatic stress disorder visible on a CT Scan?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is post traumatic stress disorder visible on a CT Scan?
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What Types of brain scanning imaging equipment used by Scientists to find bipolar disorder?

None are diagnostic of the disorder, but PET scan and FMRI scan can show differences in metabolism. These differences can sometimes identify different moods.

Is their a big difference in a 5wk ultrasound scan and 7wk and 5 days scan?

Yes. The ultrasound at five weeks will show the yolk sac. The fetus may or may not be visible yet as a small tube shape. By seven to eight weeks, the scan will show a little triangular shape embryo with the body cavities visible, and a beating heart.

Where is the scan port on a 1991 ford ranger?

The scan port is usually located under the dash, near the steering column. It may be visible, or behind a small cover that can be removed.

Can a CT scan of the brain detect mental illnesses like depression bipolar disorder schizophrenia etc.?

No, none of these disorders have causative brain malformations that are visible via any imaging technology. It has been observed on images that the brains of those with schizophrenia is reduced in volume and the amount of cerebrospinal fluid filling the space at the center of the brain is increased, but there is a strong suspicion that this is a consequence of long term use of the antipsychotic medication used to control the disorder rather than the cause of the disorder.

What does splenule mean. Spleen on ct scan show small splenule what is it?

It is a small remnant of splenic tissue usually from a traumatic event or surgical. Can be congenital. Do heat damaged rbc to confirm.

What can a liver scan diagnose?

A liver scan may also be helpful in diagnosing specific disorders, by detecting features which are characteristic of a disorder, such as cirrhosis of the liver. It may be part of the battery of tests used to evaluate candidates for liver transplant

What is the purpose of a thallium heart scan?

The purpose of a thallium heart scan, also known as a thallium stress test or myocardial perfusion scan, is to evaluate the blood flow to the heart muscle. It is used to diagnose coronary artery disease and assess the severity of blockages or narrowing in the coronary arteries. The scan helps determine if there is enough blood supply to the heart during exercise or stress.

How does a baby scan work?

A baby scan or ultrasound machine is a device that checks your unborn baby's condition. It shows a gray visual where you can see your baby's body and movement. Your OB can explain how your baby is going to look like on the scan itself. When you get to the baby scan center, they are going to put ultrasound gel on your belly and later there's the ultrasound probe that they will pass over your skin. The baby will then be visible on the monitor because of the baby scan.

Can a brain scan detect a seizure or attention deficit disorder?

yes, it can scan for ADD due to a part of the brain that are smaller than usual brain's. As for seizures, t depends. Seizures is when too much electricity is in the brain and if in the right place if can detect but its rare to see that

Scan showed heart beat yes movement yes 10weeks 4 days but no yolk sac?

That's normal. The yolk sac wouldn't be visible at 10w4d.