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Pure salt, NaCL, is a chemical compound made from two elements. So yes it is a combination of two pure substances

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Q: Is salt a combination of 2 pure substances?
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a binary mixture is a combination of 2 pure substances.

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Is salt a mixture or pure element?

salt is n a c l 2 go figure!! this is all I have on this one. I think I'm right on this one.

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The components of a mixture are not chemically combined and do not have a definite composition. A pure substance is either an element or a compound (in which case it is composed of elements that are chemically combined) and has a definite composition.

Why is non iodized table salt a pure substance?

It depends. Some table salt is pure, or nearly pure, sodium chloride. An increasing amount of table salt is being sold with iodine added to it, which makes this "iodized" salt not a pure substance. Table sugar is usually pure, or nearly pure, sucrose. It's usually pure enough to be considered a pure substance. Refined sugar and refined salt (without additives or impurities) are pure substances.

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elements and compounds

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The particles in a pure substance are all "identical".

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The 2 categories are 'pure substances' or 'mixtures'

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What 2 catigories can matter be divided into?

Mixtures and Pure Substances!!

How do pure substances and mixtures differ?

A pure substance has only one kind of atom or molecule. A mixture has a number of different pure substances mixed together. Salt- NaCl is a pure substance Salt dissolved in water is a mixture of salt NaCl and water (H2O). Sugar is a pure substance- sucrose Sugar and cinnamon is a mixture of the 2 materials In mixtures, the individual pure components can be separated - it may be difficult but it can be done. How can you tell??? You have to stop and think about it. What kinds of materials are involved? If it is a pure component, it should only have one material/component.

What 2 substances make salt?

Sodium & Chloride