

Is samarium a good conductor

Updated: 10/27/2022
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10y ago

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Samarium is a good conductor for heat and electricity.

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Q: Is samarium a good conductor
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What element is a good conductor and starts with the letter s?

Silicon (Si), Selenium (Se), Samarium (Sm), maybe Seaborgium(Sg), Strontium (Sr), Scandium(Sc)...many elements with letter s and is good conductor

Is samarium a metal or a metalloid?

Samarium is a metal.

How does samarium help kill cancer cells?

Samarium doesn't kill cancer cells. A radioactive isotope of samarium (samarium-153) is used in a chemotherapy agent, but it's the radiation, not the samarium, that kills the cancer cells.

What is the cost of samarium per gram?

Samarium 99 % cost is 0,025 $/g; see the link:

What is Samarium's name in Latin?

It is also called Samarium in Latin, hoped this helped!

What is samarium's normal phase?

The lanthanide metal samarium is normally a solid when encountered.

What is the number of electron shells in samarium?

Samarium has six electron shells.

Is Magnesium Chloride a good conductor?

Magnesium chloride is a good conductor if melted or dissolved in an ionization promoting solvent; as a solid it is not a good conductor.

What is the chemical symbol for samarium?

The noble gas notation for samarium is [Xe] 6s2 4f6.

The difference between a good conductor and a good insulator?

A good insulator means a bad conductor. It is the opposite of good conductor.

What is the cost of samarium?

Samarium costs about 120 - 140 USD per 100 grams.

What is the best slogan for samarium?

Samarium: when you care enough to send an element nobody's ever heard of before!The stuff that's left over after we extract the valuable europium!These are some good slogans for samarium.