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well look, i mentioned before that i was a seddie fan, but after the idate sam and freddie episode.... i was kinda leaning forward to creddie. that doesnt mean im not a seddie anymore or if i'm a creddie.... it means, well i dont know, but i will tell you what changed my mind about being a seddie shipper......

in that episode, sam and freddie fight too much. fredddie likes a real lady who doesnt demand stuff and doesnt eat with her mouth open or put a lot of stuff on her plate. thats why he liked carly at first. but he likes sam because shes funny and fun and now he knows she only picks on him because she likes him. and he realized carly doesnt like him as 'that way" so he got over her. but if carly was dating him, they wouldnt fight as much as sam and freddie did. carly has manners and respect and shes sweat and kind. shes is girly and doesnt like to fight, and she handles things maturely. but sam looked like she wanted to argue with freddie. she alsways argure because she is aggressive. and freddie even said i dont want to start a fight...... but sam already started it. sam is just too mean and aggressive to find the real sweat kind girl in her....... carly however is like an opposite sam. if sam was maybe a lot more like carly, she and freddie would enjoy their relationship much better......

and btw, my friend said she wasnt a creddie or a seddie.... she was a meddie....

melanie and freddie. melanie is sams twin sister... and i think melanie is the carly-ish kind of sam. melanie is also the complete opposite of sam...... she is a goody goody like carly.... wouldnt freddie also be better with melanie?? i think maybe they might end up together...... because melanie is a carly on the inside and sam on the outside. because shes sweat like carly and looks like sam. and freddie cant decide who he wants, he wants both......

well guys. think about it. i thought about it. i know it sucks when there is a battle of two, and your dying to know which one will win, and its always ends up that its neither, and someone else wins...... well now i'm probably a meddie fan..... my friend is more of a meddie fan than i am..... please spread around "meddie" to everyone you know.... it could make it easier for people who cant decide sam or carly.... like me. and if freddie has to pick between sam and carly.... it would ruin their friendship for 10 years..... i know their actors but seriously.

you have to admit melanie might be perfect. freddie likes carly's personally (maybe a little looks) and freddie likes sam's looks. and thats melanie. i guess thats why they introduced her in itwins.......

well tonight, icant take it anymore will premeire at 8, so we'll see what happens tonight and next week.


p.s. i know this is off topic but..... todays is SEPTEMBER 17 and my birthday is like oh i dont know SEPTEMBER 20 so i'm just saying.... i guess its not big of a deal... but i like laptops... i dont know if anyone is going to give me one this week... like maybe the NEXT THREE DAYS or so..... i'm just sayin......

have a great week!! i know i will......

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12y ago
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12y ago

Yes, it is. I think that's why Dan Schnider made iOMG, because there were way more Seddie fans than Creddie fans.

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12y ago

Creddie will win

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13y ago

As of now, neither.

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12y ago

I think Seddie Same Seddie rules

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What is Seddie and Creddie?

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Seddie=Sam and Freddie Creddie=Carly and Freddie from the kids show ICarly

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No, Freddie moves out. No creddie or seddie.

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Personally, I like Seddie. But they both have a equal chance of happening.

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seddie is really cute but people may not think tht because they want creddie but seddie tells a story behind it a lot of people may not think tht like creddie has a story behind it

Who is the most famous Seddie or Creddie?

Seddie in January 2009 because of iKiss and around September 2009 because of iThink They Kissed. Creddie in January 2010 because of iSaved Your Life.

Is there a seddie kiss in ibeat the heat?

No, there will not be, but maybe a creddie kiss again!

Are Carly and Freddie dating in season 6?

yes cause dan said for the creddie girls no seddie this season sorry seddie girls it was what dan said on twitter my friend skylar looked it up and she found it out most of my friends like maria like creddie lily is a seddie girl but she is still my friend she is ok with creddie dating in this season she likes creddie a little just like i like alex a little bit so thats it

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He should be a seddie shipper... but im not totally sure...

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