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Sentience is not one dimensional but five: cognitive, recognitive, sensory, inherent, and logical. Each of these has a range value therefore the measure of sentience is n5 variable value.

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Q: Is sentient non-sentient and semi-sentient the three sentience levels of alien species in the universe?
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Are there countless sentient species in the universe?

Yes. It might be possible that there are countless sentient species in the universe, but we do not know for now.

Are there countless semi-sentient species in the universe?

Despite much debate among people and scientist, there is no official proof that there are countless semi-sentient species in the universe.

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In my opinion, yes. There are at least 10,000 trillion sentient species (100,000 per galaxy) in the observable universe.

Are there countless non-sentient species in the universe?

Though some scientist say there is a possibility that there are countless non-sentient species in the universe, there is no concrete proof right now to be sure.

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There are 10 million trillion Earth-like planets with sentient life (100 million per galaxy) in a fictionalized version of our universe.

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Currently it is not known. Earth is the only known planet to hold life so far. It also depends at what point you consider a living thing to be sentient.

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Will there be a book of all the info of 12600000000000000 sentient species in the universe?

It isn't currently known whether there is even a single species outside Earth - sentient or otherwise. The number you mention has been made up by somebody.

What was the original purpose of halos?

If you mean the video game, then it was an ancient weapons system that could wipe out all sentient life in the universe

How do you make 100 billion separate books of all the info of 10000 trillion sentient species in our universe with 100000 per galaxy?

To make 100 billion separate books of all of the information of 10,000 trillion sentient species (100,000 per galaxy) in our universe, you would need to begin by researching each species. Then combine the information using a computer.

How do you define matter in physics?

Matter is the structural component of the universe that possesses inertia and volume under the influence of gravitation, that is perceptible to sentient beings, and that is convertible to energy.