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Q: Is shedding of the lining of the uterus every other month is known as menstruation?
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Can you get pregnant after having uterus and cervix removed after hysterectomy?

That happens every month when you menstruate or if you've had an abortion and it comes back every month. And yes, you can because the sperm fertilize the egg in the fallopian tube, not the uterus.

When does menstruation takes place?

it takes place when fertilisation does not occur,then the unfertilised ovum is expelled from the uterus through the vaginal opening along with some tissues and blood

Why do girls bleed from there butts?

If you are referring to menstruation, they do not bleed from their 'butts'. The blood is the thickened lining of the uterus detaching and falling out. This happens once every month if the woman does not become pregnant as the Uterus lining grows to give a resting place for a fertilised egg to become a foetus and then a baby. If the egg is not fertilised by sperm following sex, the lining of the Uterus is not needed and is rejected by the body.

Why is it necessary that the lining of the uterus builds up again between 5-14 days?

It builds up in preparation to receive a fertilized egg and allow it to imbed and begin to grow.

Why dont boys have periods?

From WikipediaMenstruation is the shedding of the uterine lining (endometrium). It occurs on a regular basis in reproductive-age females of certain mammal species.The answer to your question is the while a girl has a uterus, and therefore a uterine lining which can be shed every month, boys do not. The uterus is where the baby is grown before it is born.

What is the natural shedding of blood tissue that occurs in the uterus?

This process is called menstruation and begins happening to girls when they reach puberty...... what happens is the egg in a woman gets connected to the wall of the uterus where it is cuishoned by the blood and tissue.... if the egg is not fertilized by a man sperm cell it has to leave the body every month...... this process is called menstruation

Why menstruation is related in reproduction?

Menstruation associated with reproduction because menstruation is about cycle of the egg in woman's uterus. Every menstruation, the old egg destroy and came out in the form of blood clots. After that, uterus produce new egg.

What triggers menstruation to occur?

Menstruation occurs usually every 28days. A woman releases an egg from one of her ovarys and it travels through the fallopian tubes and waits to be fertilised by the male sperm. If this doesnt occur the uterus sheds its lining, and that's how a woman/girl gets her "monthly period" (menstruation)i hope this was helpful.

Why does the uterus lining change in thickness during the menstrual cycle?

Every month, the uterus prepares for the possibility of pregnancy, so if nothing happens, the uterus sheds the lining and passes out of the body.

Why menstruation is considered a cycle?

The Menstruation Cycle has a specific beginning, middle, end, and repeats almost the same every month. Bleeding begins/ends, the uterus begins preparing for the egg, the egg is released, if not fertilized the uterus sheds the extra lining... bleeding begins, ends, the "cycle" begins again. A cycle can be off a day or week, or skipped, but when it resumes, it begins the same steps.

What does the lining of the uterus do if an egg is released and not fertilized?

It sheds and is expelled from the body. This process is known as menstruation or a period and happens on average every 28 days from the time a woman first releases an egg during puberty until menopause.

Which organ of the female reproductive system sheds an unfertilized egg every month?

The uterus has a lining of blood in it. When the unfertilized egg passes through the uterus it sheds this lining which causes the blood to come out.