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Q: Is sodium absorbed through the skin by swimming in a saltwater pool?
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Related questions

What kind of salt do you use for your saltwater pump on your swimming pool?

sodium chloride

How is saltwater formed?

sodium comes out of rocks and mixes in with the water

How saltwater forms?

sodium comes out of rocks and mixes in with the water

What salt is in saltwater?

The most important is the sodium chloride - NaCl.

Can sodium bisulphite replace dry acid in swimming pools?

Sodium Bisulphate is dry acid for swimming pool use.

What is the solute for the solution saltwater?

This is a solution of sodium chloride (NaCl) in water.

Why cucumbers wilt in saltwater?

Cucumbers diteriorate in saltwater because the molecular content in the cucumber has very little to no sodium cloride {salt} in it. Therefore the cucumber has no imunity to saltwater and breaks downeasily.

What can happen if you individual sodium and chloride ions when the water in a saltwater solution evaporates?

Sodium chloride remain as a crystalline residue.

What is the water in sodium chloride?

Sodium chloride doesn't contain water (excepting absorbed water).

What are the major sources of error in determining the concentration of sodium chloride in saltwater?

The animals

How is salt extracted from saltwater?

Evaporating the water crystallized sodium chloride is obtained.

What chemical is used to bring up the pH in swimming pool?

sodium thiosulfate