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Nope. Everybody is different, and "normal" really has no meaning.

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Q: Is something wrong if you have a lot of pubic hair but not much armpit hair?
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Who I am fifteen and prepubescent I just started to grow pubic hair have no armpit hair and my voice hasn't changed My penis is only 3 in when erect Is there something wrong?

yes you have a tiny penis ! can i ask r u Asian ???????

Is John Cena ever an armpit waxing?

yes. his armpit, his pubic hair, have been waxed

Why are pubic hair and armpit hair black?

Because if they were blond they would get stained brown and that is gross.

Should a 14 year old cut his armpit hair?

Im 14 and I do along with p pubic hair

Does Leo howard have armpit hair?

Of course he does, he's 16 now and that means he does unless he's late bloomer. However, he should have pubic hair, facial hair, leg hair, armpit hair, belly hair and chest hair.

If you have armpit hair does that mean your going through puberty?

Yes, you usually get pubic hair before armpit hair, which are both signs of Puberty has begun.

Do both boys and girls start to have armpit hair?

Yes. Both genders start to develop underarm hair and pubic hair during puberty.

13 year old friend who has armpit hair and an atom's apple does he have penis hair?

not necasserily, people develop at different times, although, I am 13 with armpit hair, an Adams apple and pubic hair, so the best guess is, yes.

What changes the body during puberty?

Well, if your a girl, you get your period, and your breasts and butt most likely will get bigger and your voice MIGHT change a little bit, you'll get pubic hair and armpit hair. If your a boy, your voice will mature a lot more and you wont have that "baby" voice anymore, you will also get pubic hair, and more facial hair, and your armpit hair will grow too.

Is there something wrong if you dont have armpit hair?

some peoples hair is thicker then others depending. If your younger then it might be that your body hasn't produced properly and you will have some as you get older

How can a drop the hint that im going through puberty?

That you have Pubic Hair, Armpit Hair, Chest hair, Arm Hair, Leg Hair, Your Penis Is Getting Bigger, Your Voice Is Changing... And so on

You have some armpit hair and some pubic hair when will your penis grow?

A male penis will grow the most between the ages of 12 and 18 it will stop at about 20.