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It is a stimulant.

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Q: Is sugar a stimulant or a sedative?
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What is the opposite of stimulant?

The opposite to a Stimulant is a Sedative

Is caffeine a depressant a sedative or a stimulant?

Stimulant. It increases your heart rate and alertness.

Is an antihistamine considered a sedative or a stimulant?

sedative, the stronger the anti histamine effect the more sedating.

What is the difference between sedative and stimulant?

Sedatives make people drowsy. These include alcohol. Stimulants are consumed to stay awake. These include coffee and Red Bull. It is highly unrecommended to mix the two in a sedative-stimulant cocktail as it can prove fatal.

Is diazapam a stimulant?

No. Diazepam is an oral medication that is used to treat anxiety. It is sometimes used as a sedative.

Is marijuana a sedative and a hallucinogen?

Marijuana is not hallucinogenic and only uneducated or unexperienced people think it is. Sativa strains have distinct stimulant effects while indica strains are commonly sedative, or depressant.

Is cola a stimulant?

Yes coke is a stimulant. Certain types of coke can make you alert and increase your reactivity times!!!

The most commonly used and abused drug is alcohol?

A drug can act as a stimulant, a sedative or can kill you depending on the amount taken ?

Dors narcan have sedative effects?

Rather the opposite. Narcan is a narcotic blocker. It's side effects are akin to those of a stimulant.

Is sugar a stimulant?

Not necessarily. Sugar is not a stimulant by itself, however, it causes the production of insulin. Insulin is a hormone vital to regulating the amount of energy in your body. Therefore, a high insulin level will results in effects mimicking a moderate stimulant. However, this obviously would take a large amount of sugar.

Can Phentermine HCl and percocet be taken together?

Yes, if your doctor is okay with it. The stimulant effects of Phentermine help offset the depressive/sedative effects of Percocet.

Why does Miller Lite keep you from falling asleep?

Taken in small quantities miller light acts like a stimulant rather than sedative so it keeps you awake