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The triangle itself is lines drawn on a map by people selling books and magazines. There is no scientific or historical basis for such a triangle. It's up to the readers to decide for themselves if it's 'real' or not.

Hundreds of cruises each year by Celebrity Cruise Lines, Royal Caribbean, Princess Cruises, Norwegian Cruise Lines, Disney Cruises, etc. pass through this area and have not lost a ship yet.

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Q: Is the Bermuda Triangle real and if its real does it cause ships to crash?
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Who dissapeared in the Bermuda triangle?

the boats that dissapeared in the Bermuda triangle i do not know but there were a couple of boats and ships

What is burmuda taiangle?

The Bermuda Triangle is actually a big triangle in the ocean that corners three islands and is a place where many ships and plains crash and are never found. You are considered lucky if you make it out alive. The Bermuda Triangle is also found for unexplained mysteries.

Why don't ships sink in the Bermuda Triangle?

Ships do sink....

What latitudes tend to cause problems for sailing ships besides around the equator?

Poles, Bermuda Triangle

What disappears in the Bermuda Triangle?

Aeroplanes and Ships

What are the evidences of Bermuda triangle?

There are many legends that surround the Bermuda Triangle. There have been deaths reported, as well as ships and plains disappearing. However, there is no direct evidence that the Bermuda Triangle is directly responsible.

What is causing ships and planes to sink in the Bermuda triangle?


Do all ships and planes disappear in Bermuda triangle?

No, not at all.

What Bermuda triangle is known for?

For its mysterious disappearances of planes and ships.

How does the Bermuda triangle work?

it is a triangle and it swallows people planes ships and boats

Why was the Bermuda triangle a triangle?

The Bermuda triangle is known a triangle because the ships , planes etc that have entered in on the border and disappeared . That borders were joined by scientists and have got a joined line. It was a closed figure and looked like a triangle . from that time onwards it was called Bermuda triangle

What is the mystry of Barmuda triangle?

It is said that many ships and airplanes disappear in the Bermuda Triangle it is the magnetic feild that causes the compasses to go out of control and not work. New answer: Many ships and planes disappear in many parts of the oceans, not only in the Bermuda Triangle. It is doubtful that more disappear in the Bermuda Triangle than elsewhere.