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The Triquetra is a symbol used in many pagan traditions, such as Norse and Celtic paganism, and also used by Christians to depict the Holy Trinity.

In modern neopaganism, this symbol has a variety of meanings. In Wicca it can be used as a symbol of protection and to depict the Triple Goddess.

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Q: Is the Triquetra a Wiccan protection symbol?
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What is a triquetra symbol?

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What was the symbol called on charmed?

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What does triquetra mean?

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Was the trinity symbol ever a satanic or demonic symbol?

There has been a lot of discussion as to the meaning behind the trinity symbol, a.k.a. the "triquetra". Feel free to search for it on Wikipedia to read more about it. People get so worked up over what a symbol has been used for. At the end of the day, what matters is what the symbol genuinely means to you.

Symbolism of the triquetra symbol?

The triquetra symbolises many things. With the ancient Celts it represents the the stages of a woman. Maiden-Mother-Wise woman the first being the maiden - in your early years to puberty the second being the mother - your child bearing years the third being the crone or wise women - when you hit menopause and pass on your wisdom.

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The three crescent moons stand for the wiccan or pagan moon goddess

What are all the symbols used in the coexist bumper sticker and pin?

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What is the family crest for Charmed the tv show?

The triquetra

What is the meaning of the triquetra to a satanist?

None that I have ever seen.