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the ear canal is literally the hole in the side of your head, leading to the eardrum. the eardrum is the membrane ( tympanic membrane) at he end of the ear canal.

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Q: Is the ear canal the same as the eardrum?
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What are the structures of the ear?

Ear pinna, auditory canal and the eardrum.

What is the opening prior to the eardrum?

The ear canal.

What is a cats ear canal?

The area inside the ear from the flap to the eardrum.

What does the ear canal do?

The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are within the skull and better protectedWax in the ear canal keeps dust and small animals away from the eardrum. In cats and other animals, the ears must sometimes be cleaned of mites.The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are somewhat better protected).The ear canal directs sounds from the external ear, which is designed to capture sounds, to the more sensitive eardrum and inner ear (which are somewhat better protected).It channels sound to the ear drum

What is the part of the ear that leads from the canal to the outside of the eardrum?

Meatus Acusticus Externus OR the External Auditory Canal

How sound gets to the eardrum?

Sounds entering the ear canal through the air as sound pressure variations come to the eardrum and are send to the cochlea of the inner ear.

What is an Ear speculum?

It is a cone- or funnel-shaped attachment for an otoscope which is inserted into the ear canal to examine the eardrum

What separates the outer from the inner ear?

The tympanic membrane, commonly known as the eardrum, separates the outer ear from the middle ear. It is made up of pars flaccid and pars tensa.

How long does it take sound to travel from the ear canal to the eardrum?

3 seconds

Receives sounds and sends them through the auditory canal to the eardrum?

outer ear

What collects sounds and funnels it into the ear canal?

the correct answer is : ear canal or you could just write canal if you are doing a sheet/ homework sheet called: 8LD(4) Ear diagram- then write ear canal, if not then choose between; ear canal and canal

What job does the eardrum?

The eardrum sends sounds entering the ear canal through the air as sound pressure variations to the cochlea of the inner ear. By Lilly Rogers xxx