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Q: Is the efferent tract the major ascending tract?
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what is the difference between ascending and descending tract?

An ascending tract goes upward. The descending tract goes downward.

What carries sensory information to the spinal cord?

The major descending motor tract FROM the cerebrum is the corticospinal tract. The major ascending sensory tracts TO the cerebrum are the sensorimotor tract and the dorsal column lemniscal system.

The capillary bed that surrounds the descending and ascending loop of Henle is called the?

Is drained by an efferent arteriole.

What is descending tract and one ascending tract in upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron?

central nervous system (CNS) is the descending tract and one ascending tract in upper motor neuron and lower motor neuron.

Which of the following is not an ascending spinal cord nerve fiber tract?


What is the ascending nerve tract?

Nerve are bi-directional (they travel in both direction) as they carry both snesory and motor neurones (which are uni-directional). However the white matter (the part that carries the impulses) in the spinal chord can be split in two. The anterior part (front part) carries the descenging, motor neurones. These are better termed the Efferent neurones which means they are travelling away from the central nervous system (CNS). The posterior part (or back part) carries the ascending, sensory neurones. These are better termed Afferent neurones which means they are travelling towards the CNS. In short the "ascending" nerve tract is the part of the spinal chord that carries sensory neurones.

What is the bundle of nerve fibers that send messages to the brain which interprets them?

The nerves that carry impulses toward the brain are called efferent nerves. Afferent nerves carry impulses away. In way to remember this is afferent equals away.

What if the function of ascending colon?

The ascending colon carries fecal matter to transverse colon. Along it's tract, bacteria digest the fecal material to release vitamins, nutrients and water.

What is the major vessels leaving the left ventricle?

Ascending aorta

What track is the major descending voluntary motor tract?

The corticospinal tract

What is another name for an efferent neuron?

Another name for efferent neurons are motor neurons. They conduct impulses away from the nervous system.

Is the vena cava an afferent or efferent blood vessel?
