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Euglena don't fit in as really plants or animals. Though you can probably find more animal-like characteristics. Like animal cells, euglena don't have cell walls. They also have cilia and flagella that they can use to move and I think they can also acquire nutrients from things they digest, but they also have chloroplasts and can photosynthesize. That's why euglena are protists. They're sort of in the middle.

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Q: Would you classify euglena as an animal-like protist or a plant like?
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Why would it have been difficult for Von Linnea to classify Euglena?

because eugleana is hard to classify

Why would euglena have been difficult to classify in Aristotle's time?

because Aristotle had a system to classify organisms on earth that only included plants and animals like human beings. The reason why euglena would have been hard was because it is capable of photosynthesis, which is natural for a plant type organism, but it was also capable of moving which was not something that plants would do but something humans or animals would do.

What does the eyespot do for euglena?

The photoreceptive eyespot allows the organism to orient and swim toward light, whichh is helpful for photosysnthesis. Interesting side note: in Euglena, theree is a dark pigment patch just underneath the eyespot. This means that Euglena is detetcing darkness and swimming away from the dark and thereefore inot the light. Without this pigment patch, the eyespot could not function because the cell body is essentially transparent. I'm not sure if this is the same for Chlamydomonas, but I would expetc so.(From:

What is the problem with Euglena?

The disadvantages of euglena are mostly related to its structure and the fact that there is a debate that never ends on whether it is a plant or animal. The lack of routine genetic analysis is the main disadvantage.

Where to find a euglena?

You would find Euglena in fresh water but also in brackish water.

Where to find euglena?

You would find Euglena in fresh water but also in brackish water.

Why is Euglena is classified as a protoctist and not as an animal or a plant?

It's a plant like protist, it contains chlorophyll and carries out photosynthesis. The eyespots function as a light shield which allows light from a certain direction to strike the light detector. it doesn' have a cell wall because it is "plant-like," not a plant, it has a pellicle that provides strength and flexibility since it lacks a cell order to be classified as a plant rather than "plant like" it would need to have a cell wall

What is the scientific classification for Prokaryotae?

a prokaryote is a multicellular organism. a eukaryote is an organism with only one cell. Scientific classificatin- archaebacteria, eubacteria, protist, plant, animal, fungi A prokaryote is another type of scientific classification, it describes an organism. An organism would be classified, and the fact that it is a prokaryote could help classify it, but you would not classify a "prokaryote".

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Like animals animal like protist are what?

pyrrophyta ------------- Pyrrohphyta are a type of dinoflagellate which are a type of flagellated protists and sub-classification of protists. Animal-like protists would be known as eukaryotic organisms. Examples of some of the animal-like protists would be paramecium, amoeba, euglena, vorticella and most of what are historically known as protozoans.

Which type of organism would not have chloroplast?


How many euglena would fit end to endin 1 mm?

Impossible to tell. There are 800 separate species of Euglena.