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yes, the government is hiding Zombies. The government said they dismisses all claims that zombies are real, but that's what they want you to think. It's an experiment for a bio weapon. They just don't want people to freak out. If you really think are government wouldn't do something like that then your more stupid then you know.

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11y ago

I am a government offical it must be said. there are zombies there are. we hid them under the White House. the president know about it to. man it aint looking good they might get out. o no there pounding on the door run. but really no there arint zombies.

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I don't know that scientists have proof of it, but some Vodouisants do. However Vodou zombies and movie/medical/government zombies are two very different creatures.

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If running from zombies probably wouldnt matter. if hiding from zombies you would be too busy saying prayers and last words to care. if walking casually it takes me maybe 5-10 minutes

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yes but they find you , you can hide under the desk or camp up the top on the stair way