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No way - you might be thinking of the Polar Bear, which because of Global Warming their habitat for hunting is disappearing as the polar ice caps are melting faster - so let's start a campaign to SAVE THE POLAR BEAR!

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Q: Is the grizzly bear nearly extinct?
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When did the grizzly bear become extinct?

The grizzly bear is not extinct. It's also not endangered.

When was the grizzly bear extinct?

The grizzly bear is not extinct, nor is it under any real threat.

What type of bear is on the state flag of California?

California grizzly bear. it is extinct

How can a grizzly bear be extinct?

It is not extinct. Whomever told you that or whatever you read was sorely misleading you.

Which is more powerful the black bear grizzly bear or the brown bear?

Brown bear, and the grizzly is a race of the brown bear.

What eats grizzly bear?

nothing eats a grizzly bear only dinosaurs would eat a grizzly bear not hunters :)

What animal is on the Claifornia Flag?

The Californian Grizzly Bear, which is now extinct. (the last one died in 1911)

Is a grizzly bear extinct endangered or threatend?

Neither. The grizzly is merely an interior race of the brown bear, and these animals are listed as a species of least concern by the IUCN Redlist.

What animal nearly killed Meriwether Lewis on his expedition?

The Grizzly Bear

Are Bear extinct?

No, but they are endangered.In California yes.

What do great auk dodo and plains grizzly bear have in common?

They're both extinct!

The grizzly and kodiak bears are actually subspecies of what bear along with the extinct Hokkaido and California golden bears?

Brown bear