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yes. but they both use different ways to utilize the mitochondion

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No, they are only found in eukaryotes. Since they are membrane bound, they are not found in prokaryotes.

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Q: Is Mitochondria common in pro- eukaryotic cells?
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What structure would you look for to determine if a cell is prokaryotic or eukaryotic?

Main difference is with nucleus.If there is a nucleus it is eukariyotic.

What is the main difference between eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells contain no nucleus... where as eukaryotic are nucleus containing cells... I rememeber it by saying PRO- means before... its BEFORE they have a nucleus

What organelles do both prokaryotic cells and eukaryotic cells have?

Some examples of organelles that could be present in both pro-and eukaryotic cells (it all depends on the species) are a: flagellum, plasmid (rare in eukarytoic cells, but not unheard of) and ribosome.

Does prokaryotic cells have a nucleus?

No, eukaryotic cells have nuclei. The word prokaryotic means: Pro=before, kary="nut" (nucleus) + -otic=pertaining to. So by definition it has no nucleus (nut).

Are humans cells prokaryotic or eukaryotic explain?

human bones are eukaryotic cells as they contain well developed nucles.

What is the difference in a eukaryotic and a prokaryotic cell?

One of the main differences is in what the names mean. Pro- means before. Cary- means nut (nucleus) and -otic means the process of. So Procaryotic means before the process of the nut (nucleus). These cells are rather primitive and where here long before eucaryotic cells. The word eucaryotic means the process of the new nut. The eucaryotic cell has a membrane around the nucleus and the procaryotic cell does not. Bacteria are procaryotic and our cells are eucaryotic.

In the word eukaryote what does the prefix eu stand for?

Eu stands for true and karyo stands for nucleus. This can be used to help remember the difference between a eukaryote and a prokaryote. The pro in prokaryote stands for before and again karyo stands for nulceus. So prokaryotic cells come before the eukaryotic cells. And Eukaryotic cells have a nucleus while prokaryotic cells DO NOT have a nucleus.

What is the composition of prokaryotic cells?

Prokaryotic cells are, much like eukaryotic cells, filled with proteins, DNA, and other assorted chemicals. However, unlike a eukaryotic cell, prokaryotic cells lack a membrane-bound nucleus, and all its organelles are likewise not membrane bound.

Describe the differeneces between a prokaryotic and a eukaryotic cell and identify their parts?

the scanning electron microscope allows scientist to scan the surfaces of cells to learn their three-dimensional shape. the transmission electron microscope allows scientist to study the structures contained within the cell

Is Spirogyra a eukaryotic?

Spirogyra is a eukaryotic cell which consist of a nucleus more than one vacoule, a nuclear membrane, and many organelles

Compare between prokaryotic cell and eukaryotic cell?

prokaryotic are cells without a nucleus and are located in the cytoplasm. eukaryotic are cells with nucleus. are located in the muticelluler organism. compare are that eukaryotics and prokaryotics are cells.

Why is a cell considered as a prokaryotic cell?

A cell is considered a prokaryotic cell when it does not have a nucleus. (Ex - bacteria cells. They have genetic material, but they don't have a nucleus) Remember : Pro rhymes with "no" so it has "no" nucleus. A cell is considered eukaryotic when it does have a nucleus. (Ex - animal cells, plant cells, and fungi all have a nucleus)