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The Moon is Smaller then the Earth.

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Q: Is the moon bigger or smaller then the earth?
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Is the moon bigger or smaller than earth?

moon is smaller

Is the moon the same size bigger or smaller than earth?

The Moon is smaller than the Earth

Is the earths moon bigger or smaller than earth?

It is smaller than earth.

Is titan bigger or smaller then your moon?

Titan is bigger than Earth's moon by 1,676 km

Which is bigger moon or earth?

The Earth is bigger than the moon. While the diameter of the Earth is 12,742 kilometers, the moon's diameter is 3,474 kilometers. The moon is 27 percent the Earth's size.

Is the moon bigger then planet earth?

The moon is much smaller, about 1/4 the diameter of Earth.

What the moon?

Moon orbit Earth-- Satellite. It big. Very Big. Smaller Earth. Bigger Elephant.

Is Eris bigger than earth?

Eris is not bigger than earth

Why moon tiny?

In order for the moon to have been captured by the earth, it has to be smaller than the earth. If it were bigger, it would have pulled the earth into its orbit, making the earth the moon.

Does the moon get bigger or smaller?

I don't think it gets bigger or smaller,it just looks different because of where the earth is at that time.

Why does the moon get bigger and smaller during the month?

Because of how the moon and the Earth rotate on their respective axis.

Does the earth's moon look bigger or smaller from Mars?

Without a telescope you probably couldn't see earth's moon from Mars.