

Is the nazi flag still being used?

Updated: 9/24/2023
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Q: Is the nazi flag still being used?
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The oldest flag still used by a nation, is the danish flag Dannebrog.

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There may have been flags representing composite units made up of troops and general staff from more than one country. But there was no such thing as an "allied flag." Units from various countries (U.S. France Britain) carried their own country's flag.

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The Eureka flag is not used in any official capacity today. Occasionally, people may still fly the flag as a personal symbol of rebellion, but it has no official symbolism.

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This flag was used as a symbol on Nazi Germany's ground forces (i.e. tanks, vehicles) to prevent their Air Force from firing on friendly forces. however, this flag was only largly used during the early campaigns in poland, france, and early invasion of Russia. around the 1943-1944 period, these flags were all replaced with the "normal" Nazi swastika flag.

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like now

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When you get a second, have a look at the flag of Israel.

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In the 'old days' the flag used at the start of the race was white. Though they were used so often they often turned a dingy sort of beige color. Nowadays flag are only used in steeplechases and it is typically still a white flag.

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Nazi signs were used to show that the Nazi were different

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The Nazi techniques were very effective in maintaining control, because people feared them. People had to obey the Nazi parties orders otherwise they would be punished.

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Those countries that used to be colonies of Britain but are now sovereign or independent may still use the UK flag as part of their own flag

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The Roman numeral system is still being used today because it is the numerical aspect of the Latin language which is still being used today.

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yes it is still used