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Yes because before humans came the world used to have plants all over we cut most but there is still more plants than animals.

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Q: Is the population of plants larger or smaller than animals in the Tropical Rainforest?
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What is the relative size of a tropical rainforest?

A tropical rainforest is typically much smaller relative to the amount of area that a grassy plain or temperate forest would occupy. One notable exception is the massive Amazon, but it has been significantly deforested.

Where does the rainforest's animals mainly lives in?

Most rainforest animals live in the trees, such as insects, snakes etc. This helps smaller animals when the rainforests flood and predators such as large fish are in the waters below. The trees also provide the animals with food.

Where is the orchid in the rainforest?

In temperate rainforests, they are found in soil while in tropical rainforests, they are more often epiphytes which grow non-parasitically on trees. In the tropical rainforest trees that they grow on are tree barks and smaller branches of the outer canopy.

Is the population of cheetahs are getting smaller?

Yes, the population of cheetahs are getting smaller because of two reasons, people are hunting and killing them, and hyenas and other animals/mamals killing them.

What do you need to do in order to project tropical rainforest?

The biggest item on the agenda that needs to be accomplished to protect rainforests is to stop foreign government interference. On a smaller scale, new trees and crops can be planted.

What happensto the animals when the space where they live becomes smaller?

When the space where animals live becomes smaller a couple of things could happen. It is likely that disease will spread quickly and it could devastate the population.

What would happen to the world if it didn't have the ocelot?

In an extreme case (which could happen) Because the Ocelot eats smaller animals without them the smaller animals would over run because there would be soo many of them and less of their preditors, then you would also loose species because there are so many of the smaller animals which eat even smaller animals, there would be soo many that the smaller animals prey would soon die out ecause there being over hunted then the small animals would die soo not only would you be loosing the ocelot species you would be loosing the smaller species and the even smaller species making the contense of the rainforest exstinc

Does an animal population get smaller or larger when the number of individuals that die is greater than the number if individuals that are born?

It gets smaller because the number of animals dying is greater than the number of animals being produced.

What continent has the smaller population?

Antarctica. No one really lives there except for animals like polar bears and walrus's.

Is a Tropical storm smaller or larger then tornadoes and hurricanes?

Tropical storms are often, but not always, smaller than hurricanes. They are much bigger than tornadoes.

Do small animals have smaller cells?

No, smaller animals do not have smaller cells. They just have fewer cells.

What is the difference between a temperate rainforest and an tropical rainforest?

The main difference between a temperate rainforest and tropical rainforest is location. Tropical rainforests ar located near the equator between the tropics of cancer and capricorn. Temperate rainforests ar located to the north of the Tropic of Cancer and to the south of the Tropic of Capricorn.