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yes. the first baptism was in the jordan river, a river in judea in Jerusalem

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Q: Is the river of Judea in Jerusalem in the first place the baptism take place?
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Baptism can take place in a hotel.

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There is no St. Judea. Judea is a place, a region in Palestine. Do you mean St. Jude? If you do, he was probably born in the region around the Sea of Galilee.

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Jesus preached in Galilee and Jerusalem. He was crucified in Jerusalem, and that was the first Christian church. They were first call "Christians" in Antioch.

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The wall of Jerusalem represents a place for the New Jerusalem. This is the place where believers will spend eternity.

Where was the birth place of christianism?

Jerusalem. This is where Jesus was crucified, and this is where his disciples first preached his resurrection.

What is the first time that Jerusalem was mentioned in the bible?

According to our tradition, the place-name Shalem (Genesis 14:18) is identical with what was later called Jerusalem.

What did the apostles first do after the ascension of Jesus?

They returned to Jerusalem and went to the upper room of the place where they were staying.