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I think that the sentence is a imperative sentence.

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1mo ago

The sentence "Will you please stop running by the pool" is an interrogative sentence because it is asking a question using the word "will."

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Q: Is the sentence Will you please stop running by the pool an interrogative sentence or an imperative sentence?
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Delarative, interrogative, imperative, and exclamatory are types of sentences.A declarative sentence states something and ends with a period. "I went to the park today."An interrogative sentence asks a question and ends with a question mark. "Is it going to rain today?"An imperative sentence gives a command or a request and ends with a period. "Get me some more paper, please."An exclamatory sentence is said with feeling and expression/emotion and ends with an exclamation point. "Don't step on the hot coals!"

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Imperative sentences give commands. For example: Stand over there. Put your books on the desk. Interrogative sentences ask questions or make requests. For example: May I have a glass of water, please? Are you the new teacher?

A sentence that gives command?

An imperative sentence is a sentence that gives a command. An example of an imperative sentence would be: Hand me those pamphlets, please.

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A question, or interrogative sentence.

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Yes, that is an imperative sentence. Imperative sentences are sentences which request, command, or gives advice or instruction.

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These are the four types, along with an example of each. 1) Declarative sentence (I washed the dishes.) 2) Interrogative sentence (When did you wash the dishes?) 3) Exclamatory sentence (I washed a lot of dishes!) 4) Imperative sentence (Please wash the dishes.)

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This is an imperative sentence and the subject is implied (not stated). In imperative sentence the implied subject is 'you'.

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