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Solubility is a physical property of water because when water dissolves a substance, the chemical composition of the water does not change.

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Q: Is the soulibility of water a physical or chemical nature of water?
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First of all, melting point is not a change at all, so forget about classifying it as a physical or a chemical change. It's a property and it's got nothing to do with the chemical composition of water since when water melts it's chemical nature does not change. Hence melting point of water is a physical property or characteristic.

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Its A physical change. When you boil water under a stove, The water evaporates and the chemical stays in the..pan or whatever you put in it.

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In a physical change the nature of the substance has not changed, just the way it looks, feels or tastes. Examples of physical changes are: glass breaking, water changing into ice, whipping cream. In chemical change the nature or chemical composition of the substance is changed. Examples of chemical change are: iron changing to rust, burning leaves, food spoiling.

Is icicles forming at the edge of a roof a chemical or physical change?

Physical. (Its still water.)

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Ocean water is a substance, not a physical or chemical change.

Is water a chemical reaction or a physical reaction?

Water is not a reaction at all. If you mean to ask if a state change in water is chemical or physical, it is physical.