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All tigers are endangered. Some more so than others.The Bengal and Indochinese races are the most common,with around 1500 cats each. Then come the Siberian and Sumatran,with 600 each. The south china tiger has not been positively seen the wild for over 20 years and maybe gone from the wild. Some experts say there may be around twenty left. A re-wilding project is underway in South Africa to teach zoo born south china tigers to hunt so they can be released in their former range. Three races,the Caspian, Javan and Bali tigers are gone forever.

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15y ago
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11y ago

yes, all subspecies of the tiger are, in fact, there are more "pet"tigers in Texas than in the wild. however you cant really call a "pet'' tiger a real tiger, since they have never learned to hunt and will not survive in the wild, a mother tiger who gives birth in captivity will not be able to learn her cubs to hunt, and so on, so it is extremely difficult to reintroduce them in the wild once they are gone

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12y ago

No but they are going to be if we don't stop hunting and destroying their habitat. Some species of tiger are extinct like the Sabre tooth tiger.

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11y ago

The Bengal tiger is an endangered species.

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