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no, the water in a nomal swimming pool has clorine in it and spring water is one part hydrogen and two parts oxygen(H2O) but tap water has floride for your teeth and sometimes iron and other minerals from the pipes it comes through.

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Q: Is the water in the pool the same as the water in that you drink?
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A pool the water is sanitized and with proper water chemistry. A lake may contain harmful bacteria. Water chemistry in a pool is balanced to somewhat obtain the chemical levels that are present in tap water that you drink. You are trying to duplicate that with pool chemistry. You drink chlorine and wash clothes in it. After hurricanes and such small amounts of bleach is used to sanitize water enough to drink. Think about it. Would you drink that lake water or drink your properly balanced pool water instead? Hope this is helpful.

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I just watched one drink from my salt water pool. So, I'd say that they do drink salt water. I don't have a clue why.

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mabye cause the people that go in the pool (WARNING= dont drink pool water

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same color as a regular pool - blue

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Both require the same maintenance.

Is it harmful for your dog to drink chlorinated swimming pool water?

No, the chlorination will not harm the dog.

Is it safe to dump swimming pool water into your well?

NO ! ! !ANS 2Depends, - if you DO NOT drink the well water then it's fine. ( many people on wells buy bottled water)If you DO drink it then you are at risk if you do this.