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In Virginia the estate will be responsible. The spouse indirectly will pay, as they cannot inherit until they are resolved.

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Q: Is the wife responsible for husbands debts after death in Virginia?
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In West Virginia, as in all states, the estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased. That means before the estate can be settled, all debts have to be cleared. If there is not enough in the estate to cover them, there are some people who will not get paid.

Are you responsible for husbands debts after he dies in Pa?

The wife is not directly responsible unless she is on the contract. Most rules state that the spouse benefits from the debts and can be held responsible. The estate has to pay the debts before she can inherit anything.

Are husbands responsible for wives secret debts?

Yes, they are going to be responsible. They are considered a beneficiary of the goods purchased.

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Technically the estate is responsible for all the debts of the deceased. The spouse, through the estate, has to pay off the debts.

Are parents responsible for debts of a single adult child after death?

The decedent's estate is responsible for the debts of the decedent.

Is a wife responsible for the debt of her husband while being married if her name is not on any of these debts in Virginia?

No, Virginia is not a community property state. Therefore spouses are solely responsible for their own debts as long as those debts are not incurred jointly.

Who is responsible for debts upon the death of a sole proprietor?

The debts are paid from the estate.

Are surviving children responsible for deceased parents debts in the state of Virginia?

The estate is responsible for the debts. If the estate has no assets, the creditors will not get paid. If there are not enough assets to pay the debts, the beneficiaries will not receive anything.

Are you responsible for your husbands debts?

The debts are paid out of the deceased's estate, and this can include things that are jointly owned. Anything entirely in your name is safe. Even if the deceased's assets and joint assets are not enough, you are not responsible for the remaining debt.

Are you responsible for your deceased husbands debt?

The debts of the deceased are the responsibility of the estate. The estate will resolve the debts before you get any money. Consult a probate attorney in your jurisdiction for help.

Who is responsible for credit card debt after death in Michigan?

The estate of the deceased is responsible in Michigan. The executor is responsible for listing all assets and debts. The debts are paid and anything left is distributed.

Who is responsible for credit card debt after death in Indiana?

The estate of the deceased is responsible in Indiana. The executor is responsible for listing all assets and debts. The debts are paid and anything left is distributed.