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Q: Is the world in Don't Starve infinite as Minecraft's?
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"dont let my family starve"

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you dont

How do you lose 10 pounds in 2 weeks as a teen?

you dont. dont starve yourself

What happens if you eat?

You keep on living! you dont starve to death!

You dont know whever you should starve yourself or no?

never starve yourself! that is completely unhealthy! if you want to lose weight talk to your doctor.

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i dont know is it action replay or code braker

How do most people start their diets?

starve themselves dont shovel in that food

why should i feed myself?

so u dont starve duh!!! context:

How long can you starve yourself without develiping a help problem?

you may die in about 3 days! please dont starve urself! anorexia is a serious problem!

Your child dont like fruits what should you do?

Tell them they can eat the fruit or starve. Their choice.

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you need a thing called action replay,if you dont have it you cant get infinite life.

Why does the circulatory system need food?

because the circulatary is your tummy and if you dont eat you will starve then die