

Is the yellow jacket a type of wasp?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is the yellow jacket a type of wasp?
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What is a yellow jacket?

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp. It is a common name in North America for the predatory wasp. Most are black and yellow, giving them the name "yellow jacket."

What makes a wasp a wasp and a yellow jacket a yellow jacket?

The insect that is called a yellow jacket in the US is called a wasp in the UK, so they are the same. Having said that, there are about 75,000 known species of wasp with widely varying body forms and habits.

What is a bee that is 3 times bigger than a yellow jacket?

The cicada wasp looks exactly like a yellow jacket. The one major feature of the cicada wasp that sets it apart from a yellow jacket is its size. The cicada wasp is as much as 4 times as big as a yellow jacket.

Can a yellow jacket queen sting?

A yellow jacket is a variety of wasp, and yes, the queen can sting.

What is a guinea wasp?

Guinea wasps have a very painful sting. It is a type of paper wasp. It is yellow and black and often mistaken for a yellow jacket.

How many legs does a yellow jacket have?

Like all insects, yellow jackets have 6 legs. They are a type of wasp known for their black and yellow markings.

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Is a yellow jacket also called a guinea wasp?


What is a sweat wasp?

It's a wasp or bee "yellow Jacket" that feeds off of human sweat!

What is the scientific name for a yellow jacket?

The insect that is called a yellow-jacket in America is called a wasp in Europe. There are well over 100,000 varieties of wasp, but the scientific name of the common wasp is Vespula vulgaris.

Is there a bug that looks like a yellow-jacket but isn't?

A yellow jacket is a type of wasp, which is an insect. They get their name because their exoskeletons are black and yellow.

What is the niche of a yellow jacket?

Yellow jackets are a type of predatory wasp that belong to the anthropoid niche. These types of wasps are beneficial to help control pest insects.