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What are you talking about?! haha, just kidding ;)

I understand what you mean, truth is: Reality is what you make it! There is no 'separate world' but rather than look at it that way, understand that the universe is only a part of Creation which is like a vast infinite ocean.

You -- are a drop of water in this vast ocean. But beyond that paradigm, you are also the ENTIRE ocean! This is how, metaphorically, we are One. If you have heard this before, this Oneness is expressed in all spiritualities through many forms.

In truth, you are god. God is within. You are the animator, rather than simply the animation. All of the 'known universe' that we speak of, you are giving life to! Thank you.

Now to directly address your question. Absolutely! Only it is not as separate as we have been brought up to believe.

We as Humans are multidimensional beings, in this physical world we can look at our physical universe as a frequency on a vibrational scale, seeing things from our 'present perspective' this frequency is what we consciously are aware of - yet we are also existing on many levels beyond simply physical aspects. Once you move beyond our world of duality, yin & yang, where we can experience a perceived separation from our True-Self-God-Being-Oneness -- and it really is more-so an amnesia from One's Self. I suppose this is what 'Awakening' in context of 'Enlightenment' is referring to. The RE-recollection of one's true Being. The realization of Self. Although, what this awakening is and how it comes to fruition is much more complex (and yet also the simplest thing).

There is nothing that cannot be attained, remember that we must always act in Truth and honesty, in reality there is no such thing as a 'secret', all is seen and known in the presence of god -- which is Omnipresent! Being present through all times and all places instantaneously, beyond our linear conceptualization.

I hope that gave you a glimpse or inspiration :) all true from my heart.

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Q: Is their a separate world where a lot of paranormal stuff happens?
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hello,New ghost stories and paranormal related articles are added nearly every day! Most stories have active comments and people from all over the world sharing their experiences, opinions and ideas about the paranormal world.Stories of ghosts, the paranormal and unexplained that readers swear are true.