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No. You unlock the costume by obtaining 100% sync on all story missions.

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Q: Is there a cheat in assassin's creed 3 to get Altiars outfit?
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How do you get altiars amor in assassins creed 1?

You can't. The Armour of Altair isn't available until AC2.

What is the final armor for assassins creed 2?

the final armor is altiars armor it is the lightes,most durible, and looks really cool.

How do you get altiars armor on Assassins Creed 2?

find all asassins tombs go in get the seals and go under the villa auditore and it is there

Is altair in assassins creed brotherhood?

no. only his robes as an outfit

Is there any assassins creed cheat codes?

No there is none

How can you type cheat on assassins creed 2?

How do i get infinite life cheat to work in assassin's creed?

There is no cheats for Assissins creed or Assassins creed2

What is via uply on Assassins Creed 2?

It allows you to get stuff like, extra throwing knifes, Altair's outfit from the first game, Assassins Creed II theme, ext.

What does the calling all assassins cheat do on assassins creed brotherhood?

Causes assassin signals to regenerate instantly.

Can you dye Altiars armor in Assassins Creed II?

Unfortunately not, only normal armour can be dyed. If you want coloured armour just go into your villa and change into a different set then go to tailor!

Can you chage ezio auditore's outfit in assassins creed 2?

Yes, you can buy armor from the blacksmith, you can dye your clothing from the tailor, and you can also unlock Altiar outfit by finding the assasin seals in the assassins tombs.