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Q: Is there a cure for Down syndrome and can it be treated?
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Related questions

What is costen syndrome and is there a cure for it?

Costen syndrome refers to a joint disorder, it is treated by medicines to relax the muscles.

Is there cure for down syndrome?

No, there's no cure, but there are treatments to control the symptoms.

What heals Down syndrome?

nothing can cure down syndrome but physical and speech therapy help

Why doesn't down syndrome have a cure?

the reason why theres no cure for down syndrome is because you cant take anything for something you was born with and thats how i truly feel about that...

How do you treat a person with Down syndrome?

There is no medical treatment that can cure Down syndrome. The best way to treat someone with Down syndrome is with kindness, patience, and love.

How were people treated with the Vietnam syndrome?

there is no cure you can go to therapy but that's it and it still won't help

What are facts about Down Syndrome?

there are approxmately 1/4 million families in the united states affected by down syndrome.

Does a mongoloid baby be cure?

I think you are referring to Down's syndrome. It is due to abnormal number of chromosomes in the cells There is no cure.

Are there any future signs of a cure for Down syndrome?

Yes; see the Related question.

What are some organizations that can help a family cope with a child's down syndrome?

National Down Syndrome Society is one of the organizations that help spread awareness and seek cure for Down syndrome. Research Down Syndrome is a 501c3 non-profit foundation that supports Down syndrome cognitive research at leading universities with the goal of developing biomedical therapies to treat the cognitive impairment of people with all ages with Down syndrome.

How are cells of a person with Down syndrome different from those of a person without the disorder?

In Down syndrome, a person's cells have an extra copy of chromosome 21. In other words, instead of a pair of chromosomes, a person with Down syndrome has three of that chromosome. Down syndrome most often occurs when chromosomes fail to separate properly during meiosis. People with Down syndrome have a degree of mental retardation. Heart defects are also common, but can be treated.

Is there a cure for lynch syndrome?
