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A quote is the repetition of something that has already been written or spoken. Poetry is a genre of literature. Poems can rhyme or not, have a have a distinctive style or not. They are pieces of written work that seek to convey feelings or ideas, or can be used to reminisce about the past, tell a story, or make a statement.

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9y ago
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11y ago

A passage is a paragraph or a segment of a piece of literature. A quote is the direct dialect of what someone has said that is placed inside of a piece of literature.

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3w ago

A quote is a brief, memorable statement that conveys a specific idea or insight. Poetry, on the other hand, is a form of literature that uses language in a creative and artistic way to evoke emotions, express thoughts, and create vivid imagery. Poetry often involves structured verse and literary devices such as rhyme, rhythm, and metaphor.

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13y ago

yes there is a difference between citation and quotations.. in citations which lines are copied from a source, should mention that source while quotation is simply word to word copy of a others words.

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haHAHha manigaS KA !!

The chief difference between poetry and prose is that all poetry is rhymed?

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