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Probably. You should also look into getting a dictionary to look up the correct spelling of Fahrenheit.

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Q: Is there a graph showing the solubility of NaCl in water vs pressure and NaCl solubility in water vs temperature up to 400 degrees Fairenheit?
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What temperature is the standard temperature used to measure solubility?

At STP(Standard Temperature and pressure), the temperature is zero degrees Celsius(273 Kelvin) and the pressure is 1 atmosphere. At RTP(Room temperature and pressure), the temperature is 25 degrees Celsius(298 Kelvin) and the pressure is 1 atmosphere.

Water freezes at what degrees fairenheit?

32 degrees Fahrenheit

How does a decrease in temperature from 40 degrees celsius to 20 degrees celsius affect the solubility of NH3 and KCl?

The solubility of NH3 increases , and the solubility of KCldecreases

4 degrees Celsius equals how many fairenheit?

39.2 degrees F

Convert 37.1 degrees celsius to fairenheit?

37.1 degrees Celsius is 98.78 degrees Fahrenheit.

Convert 39 degrees celsius to fairenheit?

39 degrees Celsius = 102.2 degrees Fahrenheit

How does the solubility of salt change with temperature?

As the temperature increases, the solubility of salt (sodium chloride) will increase. At 20 degrees C, the solubility of sodium chloride is 35.76g/100mL water and at 100 degrees C, the solubility is 39.1g/100mL water. Refer to the related links for more information.

What is 105.0 Celsius in fairenheit?

It's easy to convert from Celsius to Fahrenheit by yourself. Tf = (9/5)*Tc+32, where Tc = temperature in degrees Celsius, Tf = temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.105 C is 221 F.

What is 165 degrees Celsius in fairenheit?

Answer: 165 ºC = 329 ºF

What is 68 degrees fairenheit in Celsius?

Answer: 68 ºF = 20 ºC

What is 28.4 degrees fairenheit in Celsius?

Answer: 28.4 ºF = -2 ºC

Convert 34 degrees fairenheit into celsius?

34 f. = 1.111111 c.