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You need to read your insurance policy. Different states have different requirements for such notification. You would need to do it quickly though.

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Q: Is there a limited time to file a stolen vehicle report to insurance when a police report has been filed?
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How do you claim third party insurance if you cannot get a copy of the other party's police report?

If you we in the vehicle, you can get a copy of the Police Report from the Police records department.

Will insurance pay if you do not have a police report?

Police reports are not necessary, insurance companies can recreate the occurrence from the damage on the vehicle and determine who is at fault.

Whose insurance company do we report to if the vehicle that was stolen was borrowed from a friend?

You should report the theft immediately to the police and to the car owner's insurance company.

What happens if both drivers involved in an accident have no insurance and no police report was filed?

If both drivers have no insurance and do not file a police report, each driver is responsible for repairing the damage to his/her own vehicle.

How do you handle the insurance after a hit and run?

After a hit and run, the individual hit should file a police report as soon as possible. That police report should then be presented to the person's insurance company who will assess the damages to the vehicle.

How can you get name of insurance company for Georgia licensed commercial vehicle involved in accident?

Ask the driver or owner of the vehicle. They are required to give you (and the police) that information at the time of the accident.AnswerOn an accident report, the police officer lists the insurance information. Contact the police department who responded to the scene to determine how to obtain a copy of the report.

Do insurance company require police report for forged checks?

If some one bought a vehicle from you with a forged check, or forged an insurance claim check,you need to make a police report AND a file a notarized forgery certificate with your bank.

Can you file an insurance claim if you did not get a police report?

Yes, you do not need a police report to file a insurance claim.

Is a police report required for an insurance claim?

It depends on how smoothly you want the insurance claim to go. Generally, insurance companies resist paying if there is no report to the police.

How do you find out the insurance company by license plate number of vehicle?

Report the accident to the police. Request that the police provide hit and run driver info to your insurance company. This is the only legal way to do what you are asking where I live.

Will an insurance company pay if there was no police report?

Most insurance companies want a police crime report number before a settlement is reached.

What to do when you damage your vehicle backing up into another vehicle?

Most insurance companies will instruct you to call them first when you have an accident, unless there are injuries. You should call the police to get an accident report.