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Surface of the sun. Volcanoes and volcanic vents.

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Q: Is there a place where it is always above 100 degrees Celsius?
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Does evaporation take place at 0 degrees celsius?

Yes. cause 0 degrees celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit

Which is colder -7 degrees celsius or 0 degrees celsius or 2 degrees celsius or -5 degrees celsius?

Since you're working with the same units of measurement for all of your readings, you can just place them on a number line. -7 < -5 < 0 < 2 -7C is the coldest of these four.

Can a German shepherd living at a temp. of 16 degrees celsius go temporarily to a place with a temp. of 30 degrees celsius without problem?


How long does it take to freeze 4 cups of water at 17 degrees Celsius?

You can't freeze water at 17 degrees Celsius. The freezing point of water is 0 degrees Celsius or 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Describe the motion of the particle of a solid as it cools from -250 degrees Celsius to -273.15 degrees Celsius?

They move at a slower pace until they stop and froze into place.

How many degrees Fahrenheit is 43 degrees Celsius and round it to the nearest tenth place?

43C = 109.4F

72 degrees Celsius to Fahrenheit?

22.2 C

Where is the hottest place in the world with a 6 year period of 34 degrees Celsius?

my bum!

What place would have the temperature of 100 degrees celsius?

The inside of a kettle as water boils.

Where is the coldest place known?

I believe it's one of Neptune's Moons called Triton (or not but it's one of its moons i know for sure). It is just about 24 degrees Celsius above TOTALLY FREEZING.

72 degrees Fahrenheit What is that in degrees celsius?

To convert from Fahrenheit to Celsius 1 Subtract 32... this gives 40 2 Divide by 9... this gives 4.444444 3 Multiply by 5... this gives 22.222222 4 Round off to one decimal place... this gives 22.2 degrees Celsius

Reactions in cells take place at about?

the answer is 40 degrees Celsius for certain