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No because the causes of the two are unrelated. Sleep apnoea is a problem with your breathing. It happens at intervals very briefly while you lie in bed and is most usually due a physical not a mental over relaxation of the muscles of the soft palate in your throat because the muscles sag and obstruct the passage of air or else very occasionally a consequence of brief interruption of command reception from respiratory brain stem, but only ever while brain is partly resting during your sleep. It is never associated with neural communication while brain is fully awake.

The cause of Aphasia, (which means a complete absence of previously acquired ability to speak a language), is related by a long term neuron loss from the dominant cerebral hemisphere effective during periods both when you are awake and asleep. This is most usually due to brain damage such as after a stroke or head injury which is linked to the brain order that affects your ability to speak and write. Aphasia is sometimes linked to Alexia (word blindness) or Agraphia (writing difficulty), not to any kind of temporary nor permanent breathing disorder

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Q: Is there a relationship between sleep apnea and aphasia?
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You can check out this article on snoring and sleep apnea:

What is the Definition of Central Sleep Apnea?

Central Sleep Apnea is a disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during your sleep. Central Sleep Apnea is less common than Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

What does OSA stand for in sleep apnea?

Obstructive Sleep Apnea

Is sleep apnea caused by herpes?

Sleep apnea is not caused by herpes.

Can babies get sleep apnea?

Yes. Sleep apnea can occur at any age

What is the difference between insomnia and apnea?

Insomnia is a sleep disorder in which you either have trouble falling asleep or staying asleep. Sleep apnea is a sleep disorder that causes a person to stop breathing multiple times throughout the night night. Sleep apnea is typically recognized by extremely loud snoring.

Can anyone tell me some facts and ideas about sleep apnea treatment?

Sleep apnea could be dangerous. Some people with sleep apnea sleep with an oxygen mask on to avoid risks. What you are describing is not sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is about abnormal rhythm in breathing while asleep. Falling asleep while talking to people is another case.

Why is sleep apnea unrecognized?

You can be tested for sleep apnea. Therefore, it can be recognized and even treated.

What sleep cycle does sleep apnea happen in?

There are two primary types of sleep apnea, central and obstructive. The more common of the two, obstructive sleep apnea, associated with obesity, occurs during REM sleep.

Is sleep apnea contagious?

Sleep apnea is potentially deadly because you can die if you stop breathing in your sleep. Sleep apnea is not contagious, since it is physiological, not a viral or bacterial disease.

How many Americans are diagnosed with sleep apnea each year?

There are many Americans who are diagnosed with sleep apnea each year. There is an estimated of about Forty-Five million people living in the United States who were diagnosed.

Can sleep apnea cause enlarged heart?

Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder whereby the pharynx closes causing the patient to gasp or even stop breathing in their sleep. Yes, obstructive sleep apnea can cause an enlarged and thickened heart.