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not necessarily, but all Bakugan are somewhat evil.

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Q: Is there a such thing as the evil Bakugan?
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Is the Bakugan avior good or evil?

he is with mason so he is evil

Can you evolve Bakugan on Bakugan dimensions?

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There Is No Such Thing As Talking Bakugan.

Are all darkus bakugan evil?

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What are the steps to connect Bakugan traps?

you have to get this pointy thing on your trap to connect to an other BAKugan

How much does a Bakugan Dharak cost?

evil twin pack cost 9.99

What if your bakugan has no g power what can it do then?

In the real-life game, there is no such thing as a Bakugan wih no G-Power.

Are there such thing as rainbow bakugan?

yes. rainbow bakugan are compltetly white but still has ramdom element

What is the price of a single Bakugan ball thing?

Between $9.00 - $14.00 ; depends on where you buy and which Bakugan you select .

Is there a such thing as an evil twin?

No there in no such thing as evil.

Who is the best bakugan and how many gs does it have?

There really is no such thing.

Is there such a thing as a bakugan past 700gs?

yes , I have one