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`Neurotypical people` are what none Autistic Spectrum`disordered` people are considered to be. It has been said that if it were not for those for instance having Asperger`s that mankind would still be sitting around the fire talking, & that the people with Asperger`s are the ones who went off & created new inventions, indeed it is now thought that Einstein himself had Asperger`s for instance. Asperger`s is a `hidden` disability, we look `normal` (whatever that means), & indeed people on this section of the Autistic spectrum have average, or above average IQ`s, although just how one tests the IQ of an Autistic person with no speech I do not know. However are brains function differently to `neurotypical persons`,& one of our main difficulties is socializing, & that can lead to a very lonely life, indeed females are more likely to be misdiagnosed as depressed, which they no doubt are as well, but the root cause of this an be Asperger`s. There are some very well known & successful people with Asperger`s, but they are the exception rather than the rule. Despite films like `Rainman` Autism is still not widely known about, let alone what it means to have an Autistic Spectrum `Disorder, indeed `Rainman` might have caused more confusion in the general public, as `Idiot Savant`, as people like the person portrayed in the film are extremely rare & no-one understands where their particular amazing abilities in a particular field stem from. The general public tends to consider us `wierd``Viva la difference` I say, after all where would we be without Einstein, Newton, another thought in retrospect to have had Asperger`s. It is often misstakenly considered to be a male `condition`, but due to females tending to be more socialable creatures it goes under diagnosed in females. There also tends to be an hereditary factor involved, which makes a mockery of those who think that people like me don`t ever marry, not all Autistic Spectrum `Disordered people are born out of wedlock!!

Indeed if Hans Asperger had not been Austrian, like Hitler himself more notice would have been taken of his findings, but because of Hitler, he was ignored for many years, certainly in Europe, I don`t know about America as an American Doctor was making the same discoveries at the same time as Dr Hans Asperger. what we do know now is that brain imaging can discover it in very young infants, & the earlier the intervention & appropriate help a child receives the better & more likely they are to have a happy & successfull life. Who knows the discoveries that are being made using umbilical blood that has been `banked` at birth, has been shown to reverse the effects of Cerebal Palsy for instance, maybe it could help in Autistic Spectrum `Disorders`?, & unlike umbilical cord blood from someone else there aren`t any complications that this potentially could cause. As things stand in the UK, even those with Asperger`s are very unlikely to ever have a job, & with our current situation where it can run into the hundreds after a handfull of jobs, what chance do todays adults with Asperger`s have?

I admit that I do not know what you mean by a `symbol` for `neurotypical` people, but what I have written is what the difference is: & to sumerise it is those not on the `Autistic Spectrum`

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