

Is there a treatment for the Fragile X Syndrome?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: Is there a treatment for the Fragile X Syndrome?
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What is the treatment for fragile X syndrome?

there is no cure for fragile X syndrome. Management includes such approaches as speech therapy, occupational therapy, and physical therapy. The expertise of psychologists, special education teachers, and genetic counselors

Does fragile X get worse?

No, fragile x syndrome is not progressive

Why is there no treatment available for fragile x syndrome?

there is no cure because no one is smart enough to find one

What is the treatment for fragel x syndrome?

A treatment plan for fragile X syndrome is tailored to the patientâ??s specific needs. Common treatments are: special education, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, and medication.

What cause fragile X syndrome?

The fragile X syndrome is a genetic disorder caused by mutation of the FMR1 gene on the X chromosome.

What is the scientific name for Fragile x syndrome?

Martin Bell Syndrome.

What is the life expectancy of a person with fragile x syndrome?

Early diagnosis and intensive intervention offer the best prognosis for individuals with fragile X syndrome. Adults with fragile X syndrome may benefit from vocational training and may need to live in a supervised setting. Life span is typically normal

By what other names is fragile X syndrome known?

also known as Martin-Bell syndrome, Marker X syndrome, and FRAXA syndrome

How many people have fragile x syndrome?


Who was the founder of fragile x syndrome?

Martin bell

Why chromosomal analysis is needed for bone marrow and fragile X-syndrome determination?

"Chromosomal analysis" should not be used for Fragile X Syndrome determination. Chromosomal analysis, Karotyping, has proven unreiable in diagnosis. Detemination can be made through DNA testing for Fragile X Syndrome, FMR1 DNA test.

What ethnic group is more likely to get Fragile X syndrome?

affects males and females of all ethnic groups. It is estimated that there are about one in 4,000 to one in 6,250 males affected with fragile X syndrome. There are approximately one-half as many females with fragile X syndrome as there are males