

Is there an event before the BC?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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Yes The Olympics

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Q: Is there an event before the BC?
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Why is it that in the year BC the count is descending and in the year AD the count is ascending?

The 'B' in 'BC' stands for 'BEFORE'. All the years 'BC' are years "Before" something. As time 'before' something goes along, you get closer and closer to the event, so the number of years 'before' it is descending. Until finally you reach the event, and you are at the year 'ZERO' before it. The 'A' in 'AD' stands for 'AFTER'. All the years 'AD' are years "After" something. If you're counting years 'after', you start at 'zero' when the event happens. Then as time 'after' it goes along, you get farther and farther from the event, so the number of years 'after' it is ascending.

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BC is before AD (Before Christ) (After Death)

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What is the BC?

BC : Before Christ

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A forgery. No coin could be marked 55 BC, no one knew that the key event that the modern calendar was based on was going to happen before it actually happened.

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BC means "Before Christ", but also "Before the Current era".

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If you mean bc as in Before Christ then it is 2 bc followed by 3 bc and so on.

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776 BC