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It is not necessary to freeze Mercury for storage.

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Q: Is there any chemical way to keep mercury below its freezing point for storage?
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What metal freezes below the freezing point of water?

Mercury. It freezes at 39 below zero Celsius

How do Mercury and Neptune differ in temperature?

Neptune can reach way below freezing and Mercury can reach way above burning.

What does the dashboard light with a snowflake mean on a 1999 mercury cougar?

its below freezing temperature

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The melting point of technetium is 2 157 0C.

How do you make liquid Mercury to heard Mercury?

To convert liquid mercury to solid mercury, you need to cool it down to below its freezing point of -38.83 degrees Celsius (-37.89 degrees Fahrenheit). This can be achieved by placing the liquid mercury in a freezer or using a cooling bath. Once it reaches the freezing temperature, it will solidify into a solid form.

Is a substance freezing a chemical reaction?

No, freezing water is not a chemical reaction. It is a physical change which water undergoes at temperatures below 0oC. At higher temperature the ice melts back to water again.

What is the chemical formula of mercury 2 iodide?

HgI2 (with the '2' small subscript - ie below the line)

How many degrees below freezing is-20f?

Since +32F is freezing, -20 F is 52 degrees Fahrenheit below freezing.

-3 degrees is how many degrees below freezing?

In Fahrenheit: 35 degrees below freezingIn Celsius, 3 degrees below freezing.(In both cases, we're using "freezing" to meanthe freezing temperature of water.)

What is below zero?

Below zero is Freezing.

How many Celsius is one below freezing?

Freezing is 0 C One below is -1 C

What temp does freezing rain occur?

Freezing rain occurs when the temputer ins below freezing