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Chocolate does not contain any caffeine. This is an urban legend. Caffeine is often confused with another alkaloid that has similar effects. The alkaloid is Theobromine, which is the active ingredient in chocolate and is toxic to dogs.

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10y ago

Chocolate does indeed contain caffeine. The amounts however are fairly small. The amount of caffeine that chocolate contains will depend on the bean it is made with. Cocoa beans contain between 0.1 percent and 0.7 percent of caffeine in them.

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No it does not. There was a science project done on it, and even IF it did it is not enough to effect you.

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No. Not even a little bit. Apples, as a pomaceous fruit, do not naturally contain caffeine. They do, however, have about 19 grams of sugar for one average medium - natural sugar, which is much healthier than the 4 grams of Sweet 'N Low mixed into your daily coffee. So despite the high sugar levels, eating an apple is a much healthier alternative to drinking coffee. The sugars are also one of the main reasons apples have similar effects to caffeine.

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Does Canada dry ginger ale contain caffeine?

The little research I have done on the net seems to point to Canada Dry Gigner Ale not having any caffeine in it.