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Yes! Of course its very cronoloigcally falso that they are the same, Many people do think so but no. Its not.-Hope it helps


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Q: Is there any difference between sister chromosome and homologous pairs of chromosomes?
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What is the difference between translocation and nondisjunction?

Nondisjunction is when a Chromosome is unable to separate correctly during cell devision. Translocation (In Chromosomes) is when an abnormality is caused by the rearrangement of parts between non-homologous Chromosomes.

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Human females have a homologous pair of X chromosomes (XX), but males have one X and one Y chromosome (XY).

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What is the difference between a chromatid and a sister chromatid?

Homologous chromosomes is a pair made of a paternal and maternal chromosomes. But sister chromatid is either pairs of paternal or maternal chromosomes

Difference between sister chromatids and homologous chromosomes?

Homologous chromosomes are individual chromosomes inherited from each parent. Sister chromatids are the result of DNA replication, and the are identical.

Is homologous chromosomes only present in cells that undergo meiosis?

Usually they dont as homologous chromosomes form bivalents with other homologous chromosomes and crossing over occurs between the 2. But if a chiasmata does form between the t homologous chromosomes they can change information.

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Chromosomes usually occur in pairs in body cells. One chromosome in the pair comes from one parent and the other chromosome comes from the other parent. The two chromosomes are the same size and shape and carry the same genes in the same positions. They are called homologous chromosomes. When cells divide the chromosomes first have to copy themselves (ie replicate). Each homologous chromosome makes a replica of itself, and the original and replica are attached to each other at a region called the centromere.

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A diploid cell differs from haploid is that the diploid cell has homologous chromosomes as when the haploid cell doesn't have homologous chromosomes.

What is the difference between a diploid cell and a haploid cell?

A diploid cell differs from haploid is that the diploid cell has homologous chromosomes as when the haploid cell doesn't have homologous chromosomes.

What is the difference between a haploid cell and the diploid cell?

A diploid cell differs from haploid is that the diploid cell has homologous chromosomes as when the haploid cell doesn't have homologous chromosomes.

True or False Explain A chromosome in a primary human oocyte may synapse with any other chromosome in the same cell?

Synapse occurs specifically between homologous pairs. Homologous chromosomes are non-identical chromosomes that can pair (synapse) during meiosis. Except for the sex chromosomes, homologous chromosomes share significant sequence similarity across their entire length, typically contain the same sequence of genes, and pair up to allow for proper disjunction during meiosis