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First, you should not rely on internet sources for medical information. Talk to your doctor.

Second, all imaging tests (ultrasound, MRI, CT) will list "normal" findings along with "abnormal" findings. In other words, you cannot determine whether something is "wrong" just by reading the test report--unless you have a background in nursing or medicine.

So the best we can do here is explain that near ovulation, a follicle will be larger than at other times of the month. I found this web blog article "What are follicles? Number, growth and other characteristics" (no author listed), which says:

"In a natural cycle, from the antral follicles, one called “dominant” is selected. This follicle differs from the others by its size and rapid growth. Finally will be a mature follicle or De Graaf prepared to “ovulate”. The others atresian, that is they disappear or die as part of a programmed biological process. Before ovulation occurs, the average diameter of the dominant follicle is 22 to 24 mm (range 18-36 mm). It is the only marker that can predict ovulation with ease.

* In stimulated cycle (hormonal treatment), generally, all or most of the antral follicles grow. The growth rate will be different for each of them. When several of them have reached a size of about 18 mm an hCG hormone (ovitrelle ®) that triggers ovulation is administered. The egg collection is scheduled 36 hours after administration of the hormone. The aim of treatment is to collect the most mature eggs that can then be fertilized by sperm."
So, it sounds to me that this might have been a normal finding of a dominant follicle. However, I am not an expert about follicle size or any other aspect. Also note that "functional" on medical reports typically means "expected finding" or "not unusual".

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Q: Is there any problem or not if an ultrasound of your ovary showed Evidence of dominant follicle of 19 13mm functional?
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What does dominant follicle in left ovary mean?

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Is there any chance of pregnancy after no dominant follicle seen?

Yes, although the odds are lower. A dominant follicle is a single follicle with a maturing oocyte in it that is much larger than all the other follicles that started to develop in this cycle. The dominant follicle is the one that will eventually rupture and release a fertile oocyte, so not having a dominant follicle means the cycle is more likely to not be a fertile cycle.

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A dominant follicle on the left ovary that measure 21X25 mm is a follicular cyst that is also called a common cyst. No pelvic ascites means that there is no free fluid in the pelvis.

What is a hemorrhagic follicle?

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What is the difference between an oocyte and a follicle?

The egg (oocyte) develops within a follicle in the ovary. This follicle ( derived from the Latin word for nest) is a thin-walled structure containing fluid, with the egg attached to the wall. Usually, only one follicle develops per month. This follicular growth can be monitored by vaginal ultrasound scanning.

What is meant by the term ovary shows dominant follicle measuring 23 x 25 mm?

It means you're about to ovulate.

Can a father take have a mother take a follicle test?

If there is other evidence of illegal drug use, and with a court order.

What is folliculometry test?

This is an ultrasound scan of ovaries to detect ovulation

Can ripe follicles in a woman be tracked by sonar?

Yes. You can do daily ultrasound examination from the tenth day of your cycle. You can visualize the follicle in one of the ovaries. It may get to the size of 22 to 24 mm and next day it is not visualized. That means the follicle has ruptured to release the ovum. You can get pregnancy by having contact on the day of ovulation.

Ultrasound scan shows no follicle rupture but i missed my period and got a faint line on preg test am i pregnant?

Yes. The pregnancy test is nearly 99% correct if it reads positive. Congrats.