

Raise waters freezing temperature

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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1. Adding various salts to water can raise the freezing point -see News link in Related links below this box

2. Add methanol (according to ISIS, the Science & Technology Council, Oxford, UK.) They say the effect of hydrophobic molecules on water is usually to raise the freezing point, and that, at 150 bar, whilst the atomic concentration of methane dissolved in water is only about 1%, this solution freezes at +14o C. -see ISIS link.

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No, not so far. There's a few ways to lower it, but raise it hasn't cropped up yet.

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It does not affect the temperature of the water, but solutes raise the boiling point and lower the freezing point.

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The value is 100 calories.

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by using a bacteriostatic agent or making conditions unfavourable for growth ie. by changing the temperature, oxygen availability, pH, nutrient media on which it is cultured.

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No, It would only raise the boiling point higher and drop the freezing point lower.

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Phase transition, when matter changes from liquid to solid or gas at the same temperature. This involves extra energy to effect the transition at the same temperature. The energy does not raise the temperature it changes the physical structure.

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It is harder to raise the temperature of water than it is to raise the temperature of a rock. It takes 1 calorie of energy to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1 degree C, whereas it only takes 0.02 calorie to heat a gram of rock to that temperature.

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A heater can raise the temperature of a fish tank if needed

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It's reversible. When you raise the temperature of frozen mercury, it 'melts' back into liquid form (just like ice melts back into water when you warm it).

How does the temperature change during the freezing of water?

The temperature of the water will not change during a phase transition. If you have seen a graph of temperature versus heat input of water before, you can see that at the freezing point and the boiling point, the temperature remains constant while heat input increases. This is because during the phase transition (such as from solid to liquid), the heat put in will be used to separate the molecules and overcome the electrostatic forces between them, rather than to raise the temperature of the substance. Therefore, at the freezing point, it is possible to have both solid ice and liquid water at the same temperature.

Why do people use a lot salt when it snows?

salt makes the ice not slippery so you wont slip and fall on your butt. it also lowers the freezing/melting point of water. by lowering the freezing point, the ice will have to raise less degrees or the current temperature will be higher than the new freezing point so the water will just melt.