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Is there magnetic stripe son the ocean floor are places where oceanic crust sink back to the mantle

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Q: Is there magnetic strips on the ocean floor are places where oceanic crust sink back to the mantle?
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Linear magnetic patterns associated with mid-oceanic ridges are configured as what?

Linear, magnetic patterns associated with mid-ocean ridges are configured as normal and reversed magnetized strips roughly parallel to the ridge. A very long lived magma source located deep in the mantle is called a hot spot.

What is the sequence of rock strips at the oceanic ridges called?

Paleomagnetism :)

Magnetic striping is a part of?

Magma contains many materials which are magnetically affected. When this magma is ejected from the mantle and begins forming new crust, these materials align to the earth's magnetic field. The crust hardens, and the magnetic alignment is fixed (just as in normal magnets, made by using a similar process). The magnetic fields are 'visile' in strips of material, hence the term 'magnetic striping'. seafloor spreading

What are magnetic strips on the floor caused by?

Movement of the ocean crust

Why do magnetic strips appear on the sea floor?

metal cocaine

How does paleomagnetism help to explain plate tectonics?

Strips of oceanic crust on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge mirror the magnetic alignment of their mirror image on the other side of the ridge. Their specific magnetic alignment was formed at the time of solidification from magma. This stripe pattern in the mirror images of crust on either side of the mid-oceanic ridge indicates that new crust is being formed at the same time on both sides of the ridge simultaneously. This is the mechanism of plate movement.

What are magnetic strips on the sea floor caused by?

Movement of the ocean crust

What did the magnetic strips prove in seafloor spreading?

They proved that the seafloor was spreading.

How to make magnetic picture frames?

If you already have the picture frame, you can obtain some magnetic strips and glue them on; if you cover enough of the frame, it should stick to magnetic surfaces.

Why are there magnetic strips on the ocean floor what do they mean?

The earth maintains a magnetic field due to the metals that make up its core. Thus, all rocks are influenced by this magnetic field and "face" the direction the field is "facing". Every few hundred million years the poles switch, and with it the magnetic field. Similarly, all rocks "face" the new direction. Magnetic strips are indicators of when the magnetic field of the Earth changed.

Are checks required to have readable magnetic strip?

Technically, no. UCC doesn't not require magnetic strips, but they are needed for check processing in some cases.

Earth's what field are recorded by rocks in strips parallel to ridges?

earth's magnetic feild