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Yes, especially when one considers that Antarctica is a cold desert and add to that other cold deserts such as the Gobi, the Great Basin, the Taklamakan, the Patagonian and others.

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Q: Is there more cold desert land than hot desert land?
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The Atacama Desert is a cold desert while the Simpson is a hot desert. The Simpson has more rainfall and, thus, more vegetation and animal life than the Atacama.

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"Cold War" is more a political condition than any kind of a land war.

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An oasis is a small area in a desert with a permanent water source that allows for more plant life than in the surrounding desert.

Why are cold desert climates drier than hot desert climates?

they cold bec of what is under it the mantle is veryt cold that why

What do you call a fertile land in the desert?

An oasis is a small area of the desert with a permanent water source that supports more plant life than the surrounding desert.

What is called a fertile land in desert?

An oasis is a small area in a desert with a permanent water supply that allows more plants to grow than in the surrounding desert.

Can a cold place be a cold desert?

A desert is defined by rainfall, less than 10 inches per year. Yes, there are cold deserts. The largest and coldest desert in the world is the Antarctic Desert.

How is the land around the nile than land in Egypt?

The land around the Nile river is fertile where in land there are more desert lands. Hope this helps all of you!:)

How cold is a cold desert?

During the winter- pretty cold (-40°) during a hot summer day pretty hot: 50° C. Antarctica, the largest cold desert, can have temperatures that plunge to more than minus 100 degrees F.

Which is the coldest - the Sahara or the Gobi?

The Sahara Desert is hotter than the Atacama Desert, it's larger than the Atacama Desert and it has more life, but the Atacama Desert is much drier. The Atacama Desert is the driest place on Earth, with an average of less than a millimetre of the rain.